India has already entered into Unlock 2.0. Still COVID-19 pandemic continues to be unpredictable. On Wednesday Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal urged to be more alert towards its spread.
Delhi Chief Minister mentioned a few statistics, some positive sides,
and also some lags in his speech.
The Positive Sides:
Delhi CM expressed his satisfaction with the downward slope of Corona cases in Delhi.
The improved situation can be seen with increased testing.
Statistics of the Capital:
Only 26000 active cases were shown in Delhi. Earlier it was guessed that Delhi might see an overhauling number of cases like 60000 to 1 lakh.
It was assumed that 15000 beds would be required, however, only 5800 beds are in use now.
The rate of recovery jumped from 38% to 64% at present.
Out of 100 test samples, positive cases are reduced to 13 which were 31 earlier.
A total of 58348 patients have already been freed from hospitals.
Room for Improvement:
In spite of all the positive sides, COVID 19 is very unpredictable. The areas that need our attention in Delhi are:
corona cases have reached to 87360,
Delhi is third in the list of worst-hit states.
2742 people got affected by COVID-19.
The corona picture of India is no less worrying than the capital.
In India, 17000 people died out coronavirus.
The number of total corona cases in India is 585493.
Kerala has started to record more COVID-19 cases once again.
People having comorbidities such as cardiovascular or respiratory syndromes are impacted deeply. Also, it is found globally that corona attacks the heart, muscles, kidneys, and blood vessels.
The doctors are unable to predict the situation presently due to its uncertain characteristics.
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